Teleflora's Enchanted Cottage
This magical bouquet will be at home in a cottage, a condo, a studio or an estate. It's so pretty it will be appreciated by all those lucky enough to receive it. Enchant someone today!
This magical bouquet will be at home in a cottage, a condo, a studio or an estate. It's so pretty it will be appreciated by all those lucky enough to receive it. Enchant someone today!
This magical bouquet will be at home in a cottage, a condo, a studio or an estate. It's so pretty it will be appreciated by all those lucky enough to receive it. Enchant someone today!
Orientation : One-Sided
All prices in CAD ($)
Love is in the air. Or if it isn't, it will be when you surprise her with a gorgeous array of light pink spray roses, fragrant white lilies and other favorites in a sparkling glass vase. You know when she'll love it the most? When it's a total surprise.
16 1/2" H
14 1/2" W
Standard - $99.95